Another Tibetan Singer Arrested...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Worldwide fans of Gepe - AKA Gaybay, Gebhe, Gepey - are still anxiously awaiting news on the recently arrested popular Tibetan singer from Ngaba, Amdo. According to various sources (including RFA, Phayul and The Tibet Post) 27 year old Gepe was arrested by Barkham County Public Security Bureau shortly after performing at a concert on May 24th 2014. You can view his performance at the concert prior to his arrest HERE.

Despite the concert organizers having applied to authorities for a permit in advance to allow for Gepe's performance, the fact that he calls for recognition of the Tibetan language as well as (rather than instead of) other languages, and the audience appreciating and supporting the performance, shortly after his activity on stage he was forcefully removed and detained. Not even his family have knowledge of his current whereabouts, conditon, or an official reason for his arrest. Quote from a translation of one of the songs that Gepe performed at the May 24 concert - 'Knowing other languages is good, But we will be perished if we ignore our mother tongue.'

Although China has arrested multiple performers in recent years, only a few are well known outside of Tibet. Unlike some of the other Tibetan singers who have been arrested, Gepe has many fans living outside of Tibet/China. You only need to view some of his Youtube videos to witness the strong appreciation he has acquired from many countries. Free Tibet are currently running a campaign, supported by Peter Gabriel and Techung among others, calling for signatures on their petition to free 11 popular Tibetan singers. You can read more and sign the petition HERE. 

Meanwhile, China claims in its recently released White Paper 'Progress in China’s human rights in 2013' that “The socioeconomic rights of ethnic minorities are fully protected” and that "The cultural legacies of Tibet are effectively protected, and the local religion and traditional customs and social mores are respected.”

You can hear Gepe's 2012 album in full HERE - although it has been banned inside Tibet/China. 




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